of new high pressure cells: anvil and large volume devices
The simplicity and versatility of the
opposed anvil cells, especially the diamond anvil cell, is such that
some models can be used in a large variety of optical and X-ray
spectroscopy experiments. Nevertheless, as the MALTA project
illustrates, the variety of research problems and experimental
techniques in which high pressure can provide added value is so large,
that it is necessary to design and build new pressure for specific
On the one hand, opposed anvil cells
cannot meet the requirements of a large variety of experiments,
especially those foreseen in our general goal "Water
and life-related systems". Those experiments either require
a sample chamber volume much bigger than those typically found in
opposed anvil cells or require the recovery of the liquid sample
treated at high pressure. For these experiments large volume liquid
cells remain the only possible choice, and must be purposely designed
as models existing in the market lack versatility.
On the other hand, there is also a
large set of experiments for which even the most flexible model of
diamond anvil cell is not well adapted, because of the diamond anvil
size or because of the cell body size. In particular, in experiments
in which only a relatively low pressure range is needed, with a larger
volume of the pressure chamber, moissanite, sapphire or cubic-zirconia
anvil can be a far more judicious choice. Let us also mention electric
or dielectric experiments whose implementation in a diamond anvil cell
presents extreme difficulties, while they can be more reasonable
carried out with larger anvils made out of cheaper materials.
For the above reasons we plan to design
and construct a series of tailored high pressure devices within MALTA.
This technology will be mainly developed in UCM in strong
collaboration with CAB, IF, and
UAB, and recommendations and directions of all the MALTA groups.
Anvil cells |
Field Coordinator
M. Taravillo |
Technological Questions
Opposed anvil cells
- Trials with different applied force mechanisms: clamp, screw membrane
- Basic designs to be modified: Mao-Bell (clamp cells), modified Basset (screw), modified Merrill-Basset and gas/liquid driven membrane.
- Versatility in the accommodation of different types of anvils: diamond, moissanite, sapphire, cubic-zirconia |
Leading Groups
Supporting Groups
Specific Goals
Opposed anvil cells
- Implementation of two novel anvil-alignment designs recently implemented by some MALTA:
- hemispherical anvil supports
- teflon-ring deformation
- Target pressures to be attained routinely with 300mm anvils: diamond (60 GPa), moissanite (30 GPa), sapphire (10 GPa). |
Related Fields
Molecular systems
Microbiology |