MALTA-Consolider  MALTA Science Molecular systems  
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Water and life-related systems
Molecular systems: Physical properties and chemical reactivity
Structure, stability and reactivity of minerals
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Design of a novel laser heating system for DACs
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Molecular Systems

The main goals of this section can be grouped together into the following categories:
   • Pressure as a probe on unsaturated NOCH systems
   • Pressure-induced reactivity on NOCH materials

a. Molecular Systems: Pressure as a probe on unsaturated NOCH systems

As pressure increases, the range ofstability of a molecular solid in a given crystalline structure is finite and, usually, a transformation towards another structure having a more effective packing of the atoms -a pressure induced phase transition- takes place. It can be said that polymorphism is the fundamental phenomenon associated with structural changes suffered by solids as a consequence of pressure and temperature effects. Frequently, these changes are accompanied by a reduction of the band gap (as in the metallization of some binary semiconductors), an increase of the hardness (as in many ceramic nitrides and oxides). Of course, all these changes modify the bonding between the atoms or molecules in the solid and, in some cases, as in many NOCH molecular solids, the change is so drastic that specific reactive processes are induced.

Therefore, the study of polymorphism has special relevance to the understanding of essential scientific problems (cohesion of molecular solids as a balance of different interactions, conformational changes packing effects, etc), but also to the development of novel molecular materials for technological applications. Since the study of these transformations opens definitely a wide spectrum of scientific cases of interest, in MALTA we shall focus on those physico-chemical phenomena involving NOCH molecular systems which are in close relationship to other topics of this proposal. These are listed in the corresponding Work Plan table.

Molecular systems (a)

Field Coordinator

M. Taravillo

Scientific Questions

-    Pressure-induced polymorphism in NOCH systems

-    Pressure induced conformational changes in flexible molecules. Packing effects in the solid state

-    Non-covalent interactions and its response to pressure in the solid state

-    Effect of pressure on hydrogen-bonded NOCH solids. Glassy phases






Leading Groups



Supporting Groups


Specific Goals

-  Polymorphism in sort n-alkanes, n-alcohols and benzene derivatives

- Polymorphism in rigid molecules R – C C – R’ and R – C N derivatives

- Amorphous phases in alcohols and amines

Related Fields

 Water related

Reactivity NOCH and minerals


b.  Molecular Systems: Pressure-induced reactivity on NOCH materials

The relevance of studying the reactivity of pure molecular species lies in the possibility of a complete transformation of these materials in condensed phase, without using additional reactive compounds. Nevertheless, in general, the reaction mechanism under pressure may differ substantially from that at room conditions. This is a consequence of the changes induced by pressure in the electronic structure of the molecules, and becomes more important when the reaction involves excited states, as increasing the pressure decreases the energy difference between the excited states and the ground state. However, high pressure reaction mechanisms are not yet sufficiently understood and there are little detailed studies on this matter. Then, a relevant objective of this proposal will be not to provide new reactive processes but to deep in the understanding of the factors affecting high pressure reactivity. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to perform a detailed study of the first steps of the reaction by combining experiments and theoretical calculations.

Molecular systems (b)

Field Coordinator

JM Recio

Scientific Questions

-        Chemical reactivity of NOCH materials under pressure: influence of critical distances and geometries, nature of the groups, photochemical activation and thermal effects

-        Kinetics under pressure.

-        Synthesis of novel materials based on unsaturated NOCH systems      







Leading Groups


Supporting Groups


Specific Goals

-         Stabilization under pressure of highly strained and higly reactive species in the solid estate: R – C C – R’ and R – C N derivatives

-         Pressure-induced polymerization in R – C C – R’ and R – C N derivatives

-         High pressure/high temperature reactivity of CO2, dimethylacetilene and sodium azide (NaN3) as prototypes.

-         High pressure reactivity of CO2 in the solid state with other NOCH systems and minerals (topic III.b.)

Related Fields

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