the present birth stage of MALTA, we shall mainly focus our
efforts on materials involving nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen
(NOCH materials on the following). Far from being a limitation, this
choice will allow us to systematise the study of a number of
interrelated phenomena from different scientific fields through a
careful selection of a few families of NOCH compounds. This choice
will allow us to address in a unified way seven mayor challenges
such as:
1) High pressure phases of molecular solids,
2) Minerals and life-related processes,
3) Abiotic origin of organic compounds in extreme conditions,
4) Water and hydration in extreme conditions,
5) Life in extreme conditions,
6) Hydrogen and Hydrogen storage, and
7) Earth and Planetary Materials.
The complexity and diversity of
high pressure phenomena related to Materials, Earth and Life
Sciences require the integration of both theoretical and
experimental approaches. Hence there is not only a reliance on the
fundamental methodologies of physics and chemistry, but also a
significant overlap with geology and biology, as depicted in the
diagram inserted on the right. Thus, the key scientific questions of
MALTA will be addressed by several interconnected research