MALTA Activity Profiles |
MALTA Directorate |
MALTA is represented by the Coordinator who is in charge of the day-to-day management of the team.
The Scientific Directorate is completed by the Board of Executive Directors (BED) which will be
appointed by the Coordinator on a yearly basis. Each Executive director is in charge of a different
MALTA activity profile. The Executive Scientific Director (ESD) will manage MALTA Core, the Executive
Technological Director (ETD), will manage MALTA Transfer, the Executive Relations Director (ERD)
will manage MALTA Link, and the Executive Educational Director (EED) will manage MALTA School.
For the two-year period the ESD is A. Segura, the ETD is B. Guamis,
the ERD is F. Rodr?guez and the
EED is J. M. Recio. This exceptional two-year period appointment pursues launching MALTA on a
steady basis.
Scientific Committee |
The Scientific Committee (SC) is formed by the Board of Principal Investigators (BPI), the Facilities
representatives, and representatives of post-docs and doctoral students. The SC sets the strategic
agenda for MALTA. This includes the formulation and updating of the strategy for MALTA decisions
about the research programme, the ongoing assessment and prioritisation of major projects of strategic
importance, and decisions about the appropriate level of funding. The scientific activities of MALTA will
be organised in seven research areas. Each area is managed by an Area Coordinator (AC), which will
be appointed by the ESD. The SC is supported by the Advisory Board.
Technology Transfer Committee |
The Technology Transfer Committee (TTC) is managed by the ETD. The TTC will study potential patent
and utility models and will elaborate and manage the corresponding proposals. The TTC will seek for
small and medium enterprises (SME) partners to implement the existing high pressure technology and
in particular that developed by MALTA. The TTC will manage the industrial and commercial
opportunities derived from all the MALTA activities. Finally, the TTC will also organize technical courses
and workshops on high pressure technology for technicians and interested personnel from the industry.
Outreach Committee |
The Outreach Committee (OC) is managed by the ERD and will coordinate the MALTA activities with
our collaborators abroad. The OC will also foster for new national adhesions and international
collaborations and will seek for the integration of MALTA into international collaborative programs (FP
VII and similar call for proposals). Other responsibilities of the OC include oversight of activities,
meetings, workshops and the guest programme. The scientific enterprise of MALTA will be
communicated to the public, including media, schools, etc. by the OC that will also manage the web
hosting of MALTA. Each participating group will elect a local member for the OC.
Education and Training Committee |
The Education and Training Committee (ETC) is managed by the EED and includes all the post-docs.
The ETC is responsible for the coordination of education, recruitment strategies, fellowships and
awards, and national and international educational programs. The ETC also organises all the Spanish
High Pressure School events, including the search for sponsors and funding opportunities. Each
participating group will elect a local member for the ETC.
Common Facilities Committee |
The Common Facilities Committee (CFC) oversees the common facilities program, evaluates the
service delivered, evaluates proposals from MALTA members and possible external users, and
coordinates the services between facilities so as to maximize the MALTA effectiveness in using these
facilities. The CFC will be integrated by the ESD, the technicians in charge of the common facilities, and
the post-docs. Two representatives (experimental and computational facilities) will participate in the SC.
Advisory Board |
An external Advisory Board monitors and reviews the scientific advances and the management of
MALTA. It consists of internationally renowned scientists, representatives from research institutions,
national and international science programmes, including members from the Scientific Committees of
the European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) and the International Association for the
Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology / Association Internationale pour
Avancement de la Recherche et de la Technologie aux Hautes Pressions (AIRAPT), and a
representative of the Host Institution. The Advisory Board meets/reviews annually.
Assembly of Students |
Doctoral students will organise their own network and will hold their own seminars and conferences.
A representative of the students will participate in the Board of Principal Investigators.
General Assembly |
The General Assembly of all members of MALTA, including post-docs and doctoral students
representatives, will meet in a plenum just after the constitution of MALTA, and then biannually (at
the beginning of the third and fifth years) in order to discuss scientific and management issues and to
make recommendations to the different commissions.