MALTA News |
Escuela Española de Altas Presiones
La Escuela Española de Altas Presiones se celebra en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UC
Del 1 al 5 de julio, alumnos de doctorado, máster y grado,
asisten a clases de científicos reconocidos tanto españoles como
internacionales, así como algunos profesores del departamento de
Ciencias de la Tierra y Física de la Materia Condensada (CITIMAC) y del
Departamento de Física Aplicada de la UC.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Work of members of MALTA-Team recently appears in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides beyond MoS2 for the catalytic reduction of nitroarenes: MoSe2 exhibits enhanced performance
. Thanks to a fruitful collaboration between the Materials Chemistry group at the
INCAR-CSIC (Asturias) and the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of Materials group
of the MALTA-Consolider Team at the University of Oviedo,
an investigation unveiling the high-performance catalytic activity of MoSe2 for nitroarene reduction
has been published in the high-impact journal Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.
Congratulations to M.A. Salvadó, P. Pertierra and J.M. Recio
MALTA-Consolider Team
Work of members of MALTA-Team recently appears in Materials Today Advances
Structural, vibrational, and electronic behavior of two GaGeTe polytypes under compression
Congratulations to E. Bandiello, S. Gallego-Parra, A. Liang,
J.A. Sans, V. Cuenca-Gotor, R. Vilaplana, P.
Rodríguez-Hernández, A. Muñoz, D.
Diaz-Anichtchenko, C. Popescu, A. Segura, D. Errandonea and F.J.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Work of members of MALTA-Team recently appears in ACS Chemistry of Materials
High-Pressure Synthesis of β- and α-In2Se3-Like Structures in Ga2S3
Congratulations to Samuel Gallego-Parra, Rosario Vilaplana,
Oscar Gomis, Plácida Rodríguez-Hernández, Alfonso
Muñoz, Jesus Antonio González, Juan Angel Sans, Catalin
Popescu, and Francisco Javier Manjón
MALTA-Consolider Team
Alfonso Muñoz miembro de MALTA-Consolider elegido miembro de la
comision C20 de la IUPAP
El investigador y catedrático de Física Aplicada de la
Universidad de La Laguna Alfonso Muñoz se convierte en el
único físico español elegido miembro de la
comisión C20 de Física Computacional, integrada en la
prestigiosa Unión Internacional de Física Pura y Aplicada
(IUPAP), una organización no gubernamental que integra a
numerosos expertos procedentes de todo el mundo para propiciar e
impulsar el desarrollo de esta disciplina.
Felicitaciones a Alfonso Muñoz
MALTA-Consolider Team
Miembros de MALTA-UCM premiados por su labor en Transferencia de Tecnología y Conocimiento
En su VI convocatoria, la UCM ha concedido el primer premio de
Transferencia de Tecnología y Conocimiento en el área de
área de Ciencias Experimentales e Ingenierías a
María Elena Arroyo de Dompablo, por el proyecto titulado
"Diseño de materiales como electrodo para baterías
recargables de calcio
Felicitaciones a M. Elena Arroyo-de Dompablo
MALTA-Consolider Team
Alba II High Pressure Workshop
The ALBA Synchrotron is going towards an important upgrade, ALBA
II, impacting and enhancing the future characterization capabilities
offered to the user community. The ALBA Synchrotron will organize the
Alba II High Pressure Workshop on Scientific and Instrumental Advances
in High Pressure Techniques.
More information can be obtained at this link link
and in the following pdf.
MALTA-Consolider Team
EHPRG 2020 meeting
The 58th EHPRG meeting will start next Sunday,
September 6, in Tenerife organized by MALTA-Team members.
Chairman: Alfonso Muñoz, Universidad de La Laguna.
More information can be obtained at this link link
MALTA-Consolider Team
Bienvenida del nuevo coordinador de la red MALTA-Consolider Team
El nuevo coordinador de la red Francisco Javier
Manjón da la bienvenida a todos los miembros de la red.
Podeís encontrar la carta de bienvenida en el siguiente
link y la
memoría del proyecto aquí.
MALTA-Consolider Team
La red MALTA-Consolider Team financiada por el MCIU como red de excelencia
La red MALTA-Consolider Team se afianza como una de las Redes de
Investigación de Excelencia en España y se amplía
hasta el máximo posible de grupos participantes
(resolución provisional de la concesión, aquí).
Desde la web de MALTA damos la bienvenida a los nuevos grupos de
investigación de la red y les invitamos a que compartan sus
experiencias en la web de MALTA y a que firmen en sus artículos
añadiendo, MALTA-Consolider Team a su adscripción, al
igual que hacen los miembros más antiguos de la red.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Our colleague Prof. Victor Luaña passed away last August 23rd.
Member of the MALTA-Team in the group of the University of Oviedo,
Victor Luaña contributed to the MALTA project from the very beginning in
2008 to date. We all miss the loss of a brilliant scientist, colleague
and friend. Read here a short
reminder of Victor trajectory from his closest colleagues at the
University of Oviedo.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Prof. Alfonso Muñoz Gonzalez new EHPRG president
In the last EHPRG meeting (Prague, September 2019), Prof. Alfonso Muńoz Gonzalez was elected
President of the EHPRG Executive Committee until 2022. This is the second time that a member of the
MALTA team becomes president of the highest European institution devoted to High-Pressure
science. Congratulations to Alfonso and ... to MALTA too!.
Stefan Klotz (right) and Alfonso Muńoz, former and new EHPRG presidents, appear in the photo during the last EHPRG at Prague September 2019.
MALTA-Consolider Team
EHPRG 2020 meeting
Next EHPRG meeting will take place in Tenerife organized by MALTA-Team members.
Preliminary information can be obtained in this link link
MALTA-Consolider Team
The new book of Ángel Vegas is available
We are pleased to announce that it is already available for sale the
book of Dr. Ángel Vegas Molina entitled "Structural Models of
Inorganic Crystals". The book is available for sale at the Publications
Service of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The
link can be found here
For more info a description of the book can be found
Congratulations to Ángel Vegas.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Positions at Dongseo University
For the recently founded Engineering Research Center LSTM Erlangen Busan
Branch in the South Korean city of Busan, we are seeking 7 postdocs as
well as 10 PhD students. Starting from the comprehensive experience
already available, High Pressure Treatment as well as other Non-Thermal
Treatment Methods of matter biological origin, such as food,
bio-technological, pharmaceutical and medical processes and products,
will play an important role in the planned activities of LSTME Busan
Branch. Thus, we trust on that the job advert attached might develop a
certain attraction in particular for high potential young research
members of EHPRG.
For more info and contact information please click
MALTA-Consolider Team
Simposio sobre superconductividad y presión
Durante los próximos días 21 y 22 de Mayo tengrá lugar en Madrid el simposio
internacional: Superconductividad y presión: una relación fructífera en
el camino hacia la superconductividad a temperatura ambiente. El simposio es ofrecido por
la fundación Ramón Areces y la inscripción es gratuita.
Para mas información
podeís consultar la página en el siguiente
MALTA-Consolider Team
News from AIRAPT
The Greatest World Association for High Pressure Research has a LOGO
On Tuesday, April 17th 2018, AIRAPT President Prof. Fernando Rodriguez
(also member of the MALTA-Consolider Team) announced the result of a
contest for the AIRAPT logo: "The selected logo was designed by Dr.
Philip Dalladay-Simpson (HPSTAR, China), to whom the AIRAPT is deeply
indebted for his important contribution. Thanks are also due to all
participants in the call, whose artistic and creative designs made the
competition tight."
MALTA-Consolider Team
Jubilación del profesor Pedro Dimas Sanz
El pasado 31 de enero de 2018, tuvo lugar la jubilación de nuestro
compañero el profesor Pedro Dimas Sanz, investigador principal del
grupo ICTAN de alimentos. En nombre del equipo de Malta, nuestros
mejores deseos para su nueva etapa que comienza ¡¡¡gracias por todo Pedro!!!.
MALTA-Consolider Team
MALTA en los cursos de verano del El Escorial
Entrevistas a Buenaventura Guamis y
Fernando Rodriguez
Buenaventura Guamis, Catedrático de Tecnología de los Alimentos de la Universitat
Autónoma de Barcelona y ponente durante la esculea de verano, impartida en el Escorial,
fue entrevistado durante su celebración, explicando como las altas presiones han contribuido
al desarrollo de tecnologías alimentarias.
Por otro lado Fernando Rodríguez González, catedrático del departamento de
Ciencias de la Tierra y Física de la Materia Condensada (CITIMAC) de la Universidad de
Cantabria y primer español en presidir la Asociación Internacional de Altas Presiones,
AIRAPT, nos habla en su entrevista a cerca de la importancia de la investigación en altas
presiones y como esta repercute en multiples ámbitos.
Malta-Consolider Team
New edition of the Spanish High Pressure School
17-21 Julio Cursos de Verano El Escorial 2017
After the international edition in 2015, MALTA-Team organizes a postgraduate course covering
theory, experimental techniques, and application of high pressure science. For detailed information
and final program follow this link
MALTA-Consolider Team
31st EFFoST International Conference
Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century - Research to Progress Society
The 31st EFFoST International Conference will be held in Sitges, Spain
from 13-16 November 2017 under the theme: Food Science and Technology Challenges
for the 21st Century - Research to Progress Society.
Conference chairman Prof. Buenaventura Guamis-López (Malta Team and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
MALTA-Consolider Team (UAB)
Las nuevas estrategias de búsqueda de vida extraterrestre (madri+d)
Olga Prieto Ballesteros responde en un interesante artículo divulgativo
a cuestiones tales como: ¿ Estamos solos en el Universo ? ¿ Es la vida algo singular de la Tierra,
o es relativamente común a lo largo del Cosmos ? La exploración espacial aborda actualmente la
cuestión de buscar vida extraterrestre colocando el foco en escudriñar primero los planetas
habitables de nuestro Sistema Solar y de fuera de éste.
INTA-CAB Malta-Team
El profesor Alfonso Muñoz fue galardoando con el premio al mejor investigador
Cada 2 años la ULL da un premio al mejor investigador en el campo de las ciencias y la tecnología.
En el año 2016 le concedieron el premio de investigación a Alfonso Muñoz, coincidiendo con los
actos del 224 aniversario de la Universidad de La Laguna.
La mas sincera enhorabuena de todo el equipo de Malta.
Malta-Consolider Team
Annual meeting of MALTA-CONSOLIDER Team 10-11 November 2016. Valencia
Thanks to financial support from Spanish MINECO under project MAT2015-71070-REDC, principal
investigators and members of all the institutions of the Spanish Matter
at High Pressure network will be meeting in Valencia next 10-11
November. Past, present and future actions will be discussed in presence
of new high pressure scientist generations.
Program can be downloaded here.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Summer Under Pressure School Videolectures
All the fourteen lectures of the first Summer Under Pressure School held in
Madrid (August 28-September 1, 2015) are just one click away. Although
recordings do not meet the high-quality standards (our apologies about that), lectures and lecturers
are ravishing! Enjoy and send out your feedback to us.
Jornadas sobre superconductividad
Difundiendo investigación. MAT2015-71070-REDC
Las altas presiones permiten aumentar la temperatura crítica de fases superconductoras en materiales
ricos en hidrógeno. Teorías, cálculos e interpretaciones sobre
superconductividad y presión serán objeto de tres charlas
durante la jornada del 20 de mayo en la Universidad de Oviedo. Abierto a
estudiantes de doctorado e investigadores de química y física del estado
MALTA-Consolider Team (UOVI)
Giant Mechanocaloric Effects in Fluorite-Structured Superionic Materials
A member of MALTA and a scientist from University of New South Wales (Australia) predict a giant mechanocaloric effect in CaF2 and PbF2, two
fast ion conductors (FIC). This work advocates that FIC constitute a new family of mechanocaloric materials showing great promise for prospective solid-state refrigeration applications.
The results have been published in Nano Letters .
MALTA-Consolider Team
Financial support to MALTA-Team from Spanish MINECO
MALTA-Team has been granted with 51,500 euro for the following 2 years under the "Redes de Excelencia" program. MALTA networking, High Pressure Summer Schools, and MALTA visibility among the actions covered by this funding.
MALTA-Consolider Team
JPhys+ interested in MALTA activity
Professor Daniel Errandonea talks about the implications of studying materials at high-pressures and what he most enjoys
MALTA-Consolider Team
The Spanish Government launches a call to extend the MALTA-Consolider program
Dear fellows of the HP community:
A new call to extend the Malta-Consolider program has been recently launched,
so we are confident that all the international MALTA-Consolider
activities, including the Summer Under Pressure School scheduled for
2017, are expected to be continue for two more years. These are good
news for the whole High Pressure community.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Million calculations and beyond Long live to MALTA
MALTA HPC relies on a million calculations. Congratulations to every researchers. Keep up the good work!.
MALTA-Consolider Team
Cover on the Journal of Physical Chemistry C Shedding light on self-assembly processes.
The cover is an artistic representation of
the motifs formed by an organic molecule (para-terphenyl-meta-dicarbonitrile) after deposition on a silver(111) surface according
to scanning tunneling microscopy observations. The role of the surface in this gas-phase computational study is implicit as only
the formation of bi-dimensional-like structures is allowed.
MALTA-Consolider Team (UOVI)
Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions in AB2X4 Chalcogenide Compounds.
This book on pressure-induced phase transitions in AB2X4 chalcogenide compounds deals with one important AmBnXp material. The interest in these materials is caused by their properties. The results are discussed for three main groups of structural families: cubic-spinel structures, defective tetragonal structures, and other structures like layered and wurtzite-type modifications. A systematic analysis of the behavior of cubic (spinel), tetragonal (defect chalcopyrites and stannites) and other crystal modifications of AB2X4 compounds under hydrostatic pressure is performed
MALTA-Consolider Team (UV - UPV)
The software section has been updated.
A new utility to be used in High Hydrostatic Pressure processes when using water for both the sample and the pressure transmitting medium. It is possible to obtain the temperature increasing due to the adiabatic heat of compression and the temperature decreasing due to the adiabatic heat of expansion. |
Encuentro 2013 MALTA-Consolider
Ya está disponible el programa del "Encuentro 2013 MALTA-Consolider" que se celebrará en Barcelona entre los dias 23 y 27 de septiembre.
Place: Barcelona
Date: 23 - 27 Septiembre 2013
Project/Mechanical Engineer position at Almax easyLab Ltd ? Reading/UK
We have a vacancy for a project engineer/mechanical engineer at Almax easyLab. We are looking for a candidate which has some experience
in 3D modelling as well as having been involved with high pressure/optics and who would be interested in working in Industry and in our
growing company to help us to develop current and future products
Vacancy: PhD fellowship
Se busca un/a F?sico/a o Ingeniero/a con un alto coeficiente acad?mico para realizar una tesis doctoral sobre "congelaci?n electromagn?tica"
de forma paralela al desarrollo del correspondiente Proyecto del Plan Nacional, aprobado a finales de 2012. Se valorar? la formaci?n acad?mica
complementaria (M?ster,...), elevados conocimientos de electromagnetismo, de polarizaci?n dipolar y de transmisi?n de calor con cambio de fase.
Se valorar? la posesi?n de alguna experiencia en modelizaci?n de procesos y la pericia en el laboratorio. Imprescindible poseer una fuerte
vocaci?n de investigador/a.
Apply now!!
email: pedro.sanz at
ALBA's First Publication
The first scientific publication with data measured at Alba synchrotron has been accepted for publication in Inorganic Chemistry.
The article is a collaboration between MALTA researchers from the "Universidad Complutense de Madrid" and the "Universidad de Valencia",
and researchers from the Max-Planck Institut f?r Festk?rperforschung.
Vacancy: Application Scientist
Almax Industries and easyLab are aiming to recruit an experienced high
pressure physicist, chemist or similar. Do you think you are suitable for such an
First powder diffraction experiments
at ALBA's BL04 high pressure end station have been carried out recently and MALTA was there
1.- ALBA Newsletter
2.- TV3
MALTA-Consolider, proud sponsor
of the NanoSpainConference 2012
NanoSpain Conference is now in its 9th edition. Since its start in 2004,
this event has become a well-renowned conference providing an opportunity to
exchange ideas, networking and interact in the latest advances and challenges
of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Place: Santander (Spain)
Date: February, 27th - March, 1st
European High Pressure Research Group Meeting
For more than half a century now, the European High Pressure
Research Group Meetings bring together people who apply high
pressure techniques in a multitude of purely scientific and
applied fields in Europe and Worldwide.
Thessaloniki, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Local Organizing
Committee warmly welcome again this event for its ?gold anniversary?.
Advances in UHPH processes
(FUNENTECH Workshop)
- To provide an overview on current and potential applications of ultra high pressure
homogenization (UHPH)
- To present the latest findings of a FP7 funded project called FUNENTECH 232603:
Study of functionality, nutritional and safety aspects of liquid foods, liquid food
preparations and cosmetics processed by ultrahigh pressure homogenization.
Place: Centre Especial de Recerca Planta de Tecnologia dels Aliments (CERPTA).
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Date: December, 15th 2011
Technician for the Spectroscopy and NMR Unit
The Spectroscopy and NMR Unit
at Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Ocologicas, is
opening a permanent position for a staff technician to support the biophysical
characterization services provided by the Unit, and in particular the maintenance and use of
the instrumentation for spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, circular dichroism, isothermal
titration and differential scanning calorimetries, analytical ultracentrifugation, surface
plasmon resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, etc.
More info:
X Workshop
M?todos r?pidos y automatizaci?n en microbiolog?a alimentaria.
El objetivo de este worksop es ampliar y difundir los conocimientos te?ricos y
pr?cticos sobre m?todos innovadores
para detectar, contar, aislar y caracterizar r?pidamente los microorganismos, y sus metabolitos,
habituales en los alimentos y el agua.
Date: 22-25 Noviembre
Lugar: Barcelona (Espa?a)
Nueva ciencia en condiciones extremas
Valentin Garcia Baonza impartir? este viernes a las 12.30 horas, la conferencia
?Nueva ciencia en condiciones extremas?, dentro de la programaci?n del ciclo
Seminarios 2011 del Departamento de F?sica de la Materia Condensada de la Universidad
de Zaragoza |
MALTA-Consolider y QUIMAPRES, en portada de madri+d
El Sistema madri+d es una red de trabajo que agrupa a instituciones p?blicas y
privadas de investigaci?n y a las asociaciones empresariales regionales, que tiene
como objetivo mejorar la competitividad de la regi?n mediante la transferencia de
I Simposio Español de Altas Presiones
El Programa de Investigaci?n QUIMAPRES (Qu?mica a alta presi?n,
S2009/PPQ-1551, del Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigaci?n
de la Comunidad de Madrid), junto con el Consorcio MALTA-Consolider (Materia a alta
presi?n, CSD2007-00045, Proyecto de Excelencia Nacional), han organizado durante el
pasado mes de enero de 2011 (del 23 al 27 del mismo), en la localidad madrile?a de
Miraflores de la Sierra, el I Simposio Nacional de Altas Presiones.
Leer m?s...
Vancancies at CIC Energigune: Energy
cooperative research centre
CIC Energigune is the new energy research centre with headquarters in the Basque Country
which aims to become an international benchmark in its field. The centre has the backing
of public institutions and administrations, and of companies directly related to the
energy sector.
PhD Position at Universidad de Valencia:
beca de FPI en le marco del proyecto del MICINN, MAT2010-21270-C04-01 :
Se ofrece un contrato para realizar la Tesis Doctoral en los Departamentos
de Física Aplicada y Electromagnetismo de la Universidad de Valencia
Contact: Domingo Martínez
Open doors week at
Are you interested in the schedule of the I Simposio Malta-Consolider?
Fancy knowing how MALTA is organized?
Have you ever wondered what the "secret" rooms of this website look like?
Well, It's time for you to find the answer
to all these questions. Feel free to come in and play
around as much as you want. Enjoy! CLOSED!!! |
I Simposio Malta-Consolider
The I Simposio Malta-Consolider is going to be held
in Miraflores de La Sierra (Madrid) from the 23rd to
the 27th of January 2011. |
IX Workshop Rapid Methods and Automation
The aim of the workshop is to broaden and spread the theoretical
and practical knowledges about innovative methods for rapid detection, count,
isolation and characterization of foodborne and waterborne microorganisms
Dates: November, 23rd - 26th
City: Barcelona |
Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of High Pressure Processes
Workshop organized in the framework of Projects MTM2008-04621/MTM,
Date: November 22th, 2010
Place: Aula Miguel de Guzm?n, Facultad de Matem?ticas,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. |
MALTA in the media
Entre Probetas de Radio5 (RNE)
Entre Probetas describe, en apenas dos minutos, y en el tono desenfadado y directo, lo m?s destacado de la biolog?a -en todas sus facetas-, medicina,tecnolog?a o cualquier otra rama de la investigaci?n humana
Autor: Jose Antonio Lopez |
MALTA in the net
Alta presi?n y preservaci?n ?ptima de alimentos Varios equipos de investigaci?n, coordinados por el Grupo de "Altas Presiones" de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), se basan en la Alta Presi?n como campo de aplicaciones crecientes en los procesos biotecnol?gicos, especialmente en el tratamiento de alimentos y la industria conservera, as? como, en la industria farmac?utica y cosm?tica.
Autor: ?scar Rodriguez Montoro |
High Pressure Processes in Chemical Engineering
This book, which presents an update on high pressure processes in chemical engineering, is written by leading experts from industry and academia. Among the authors we can find two members of the Malta-Consolider Team at UCM:
Elena Arroyo de DomPablo and David Santamaria-Pérez. Both authors alongside Katherine Persson have contributed to the book with the chapter titled: "Polymorphs by pressure"
Editor: Maximilian Lackner
de 25 titulados superiores (MICINN)
El MICINN financia la contrataci?n de 25 titutlados superiores para su especializaci?n como
tecn?logos en las infraestructuras m?s destacadas del paronama internacional (ej. ESA, CERN, ITER, ESRF, etc)
Fecha l?mite: 29 de Mayo 2010 |
Seminar: High-pressure studies in bulk and nanocrystalline
Pressure is an important thermodynamic parameter similar in importance to temperature.
Application of high pressure permits to increase matter density by reducing volume and the
volume change is considerably larger than that obtained by playing with temperature...
Speaker: Fco. Javier Manj?n Herrera (MALTA-UV)
Date: March, 17th
Place: Facultad de F?sica. Universidad de Barcelona |
PhD Position at Universidad Complutense (Madrid)
Se ofrece un contrato para realizar la Tesis Doctoral en el Departamento de Qu?mica
F?sica I, Facultad de CC. Qu?micas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Ligado al Grupo UCM-Simpol del proyecto S2009/PPQ-1551 ?Qu?mica a Alta Presi?n?
(QUIMAPRES), de la Comunidad de Madrid, en vigor durante el periodo 2010-2013.
Contact: Antonio Rey
Inauguraci?n del Laboratorio de espectroscopía
El nuevo Laboratorio de Espectroscopia Raman de la Universidad de Cantabria,
presentado hoy en el campus, permitir? a investigadores y empresas de la regi?n
analizar materiales sometidos a altas presiones y condiciones extremas para estudiar
su comportamiento, lo cual tiene aplicaciones en multitud de campos, desde la tecnolog?a
alimentaria hasta la industria metal?rgica o farmacol?gica. |
Acto presentaci?n del Laboratorio de espectroscop?a
El Grupo de Altas Presiones y Espectroscopia de la
Universidad de Cantabria, perteneciente al proyecto
Ingenio-ConsoliderMateria a Alta Presi?n (MALTA), tiene el
gusto de invitarle a la presentaci?n del Laboratorio de
espectroscopia Raman como infraestructura nacional del
equipo MALTA. |
Job Vacancy!!!
Available from April 2010, the post will be offered on a fixed-term
contract for a period of 9 months (may be extended) and a gross salary
of 20.000?.
The succesful candidate will join the group of Dr. Pedro Sanz at Instituto
del frio (Madrid) to work on the experimental determination of thermophysical
properties in high pressure.
Candidates should possess, or expect to obtain, a PhD degree in Physics, Engineering
or a related discipline.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr. Pedro Sanz on +34 915445607 (226)
Deadline: 20th of April 2010
PhD Position at University of Oviedo
A four-year position is available for Graduate Students pursuing a PhD Thesis on the development of novel
methods in the theory of chemical bonding.
Contact: A.M Pendás (MALTA-Consolider UOVI)
Deadline: end-January 2010 -- CLOSED -- |
M?s duro que el diamante
Con altas presiones pueden conseguirse materiales sint?ticos
ultraduros con m?ltiples aplicaciones potenciales.
D. Errandonea (MALTA-Consolider UV) et al. |
High pressure orthovanadates
Scientists from Universidad de Valencia have been using the extreme
conditions beamline at Diamond to study the structure of several zircon-type
orthovanadates at high pressures and see how these change under compression.
D. Errandonea (MALTA-Consolider UV) et al. |
Fallo en el envio de formularios.
Debido a un fallo t?cnico, el envío de formularios de inscripción al workshop
permanece inactivo desde el pasado viernes 5 de noviembre. Si has realizado la inscripci?n despu?s de esa
fecha es posible que tus datos no se hayan llegado a recibir. Por favor, comprueba que est?s en la
lista de inscritos.
Si tus datos no aparecen, o quieres formalizar una nueva inscripci?n
ponte en contacto con el administrador:
El enlace qu?mico sin experimentos.
En este mini-workshop se har? un repaso de los principales c?digos de c?lculo
de estado s?lido y su aplicaci?n en el cluster de computaci?n
Fechas: 21-22 de Diciembre
Lugar: Facultad de Qu?mica (Oviedo)
Potassium under Pressure: A Pseudobinary Ionic Compound
Experimentally, we have found that among the "complicated" phases of potassium
at intermediate pressures is one which has the same space group as the double hexagonal-close-packed structure,
although its atomic coordination is completely different.....
M. Marqu?s, et al. -- SUPA, Edimburgh, UK
J. Contreras-Garcia -- MALTA-Consolider (UOVI)
MALTA Events |